VoIP - The Bridge Between SIP and RTP

The VoIP module coordinates between the SIP and RTP modules in order to create an effective Voice over Internet Protocol system. The VoIP system is made for your convenience, and if you have a particularly intricate situation, you can use the SIP and RTP modules independently and create your own version of the VoIP module. If you choose to use the VoIP module, this section will explain how.


There are two errors under pyVoIP.VoIP.

exception VoIP.InvalidStateError

This is thrown by VoIPCall when you try to perform an action that cannot be performed during the current CallState. For example denying a call that has already been answered, hanging up a call that hasn’t been answered yet, or has already been ended.

exception VoIP.InvalidRangeError

This is thrown by VoIPPhone when you define the rtpPort ranges as rtpPortLow > rtpPortHigh. However, this is not checked by VoIPCall, so if you are using your own class instead of VoIPPhone, make sure these ranges are correct.

exception VoIP.NoPortsAvailableError

This is thrown when a call is attempting to be initiated but no ports are available.



CallState is an Enum with four attributes.


This CallState is used to describe when a user has originated a call to a client, but it has yet to be answered.


This CallState is used to describe when a client is calling, but the call has yet to be answered.

In this state, you can use VoIPCall.answer() or VoIPCall.deny().


This CallState is used to describe when a call has been answered and is active.

In this state, you can use VoIPCall.hangup().


This CallState is used to describe when a call has been terminated.

In this state, you can not use any functions.


PhoneStatus is an Enum with five attributes.


This PhoneStatus is used when VoIPPhone.start() has not been called, or after the phone has fully stopped after calling VoIPPhone.stop().


This PhoneStatus is used when VoIPPhone.start() has been called, but has not finished starting.


This PhoneStatus is used when VoIPPhone has finished starting successfully, and is ready for use.


This PhoneStatus is used when VoIPPhone.stop() has been called, but has not finished stopping.


This PhoneStatus is used when VoIPPhone.start() has been called, but failed to start due to an error.



The VoIPCall class is used to represent a single VoIP Session, which may be to multiple clients.

class VoIP.VoIPCall(phone: VoIPPhone, request: SIPMessage, session_id: int, myIP: str, rtpPortLow: int, rtpPortHigh: int)

The phone argument is the initating instance of VoIPPhone.

The callstate arguement is the initiating CallState.

The request argument is the SIPMessage representation of the SIP INVITE request from the VoIP server.

The session_id argument is a unique code used to identify the session with SDP when answering the call.

The myIP argument is the IP address it will pass to RTPClient’s to bind to.

The ms arguement is a dictionary with int as the key and a PayloadType as the value. This is only used when originating the call.

dtmfCallback(code: str) -> None

Deprecated. Please use dtmf_callback instead.

dtmf_callback(code: str) -> None

This method is called by RTPClient’s when a telephone-event DTMF message is received. The code argument is a string. It should be an Event in complinace with RFC 4733 Section 3.2.

getDTMF(length=1) -> str

Deprecated. Please use get_dtmf instead.

get_dtmf(length=1) -> str

This method can be called get the next pressed DTMF key. DTMF’s are stored in an io.StringIO and act as a stack. Meaning if the client presses the numbers 1-9-5 you’ll have the following output:

>>> '1'
>>> '95'
>>> ''

As you can see, calling this method when there a key has not been pressed returns an empty string.

answer() -> None

Answers the call if the phone’s state is CallState.RINGING.

answered(request: SIPMessage) -> None

This function is called by SIPClient when a call originated by the user has been answered by the client.

deny() -> None

Denies the call if the phone’s state is CallState.RINGING.

hangup() -> None

Ends the call if the phone’s state is CallState.ANSWRED.

bye() -> None

Ends the call but does not send a SIP BYE message to the SIP server. This function is used to end the call on the server side when the client ended the call. THE USER SHOUND NOT CALL THIS FUNCTION OR THE CLIENT WILL BE LEFT ON THE LINE WITH NO RESPONSE. CALL HANGUP() INSTEAD.

writeAudio(data: bytes) -> None

Deprecated. Please use write_audio instead.

write_audio(data: bytes) -> None

Writes linear/raw audio data to the transmit buffer before being encoded and sent. The data argument MUST be bytes. This audio must be linear/not encoded, RTPClient will encode it before transmitting.

readAudio(length=160, blocking=True) -> bytes

Deprecated. Please use read_audio instead.

read_audio(length=160, blocking=True) -> bytes

Reads linear/raw audio data from the received buffer. Returns length amount of bytes. Default length is 160 as that is the amount of bytes sent per PCMU/PCMA packet. When blocking is set to true, this function will not return until data is available. When blocking is set to false and data is not available, this function will return b"\x80" * length.


The VoIPPhone class is used to manage the SIPClient class and create VoIPCall’s when there is an incoming call. It then passes the VoIPCall as the argument in the callback.

class VoIP.VoIPPhone(server: str, port: int, username: str, password: str, callCallback: Optional[Callable] = None, myIP: Optional[str] = None, sipPort=5060, rtpPortLow=10000, rtpPortHigh=20000)

The server argument is your PBX/VoIP server’s IP, represented as a string.

The port argument is your PBX/VoIP server’s port, represented as an integer.

The username argument is your SIP account username on the PBX/VoIP server, represented as a string.

The password argument is your SIP account password on the PBX/VoIP server, represented as a string.

The callCallback argument is your callback function that VoIPPhone will run when you receive a call. The callback must take one argument, which will be a VoIPCall. If left as None, the VoIPPhone will automatically respond to all incoming calls as Busy.

The myIP argument is used to bind SIP and RTP ports to receive incoming calls. If left as None, the VoIPPhone will bind to

The sipPort argument is the port SIP will bind to to receive SIP requests. The default for this protocol is port 5060, but any port can be used.

The rtpPortLow and rtpPortHigh arguments are used to generate random ports to use for audio transfer. Per RFC 4566 Sections 5.7 and 5.14, it can take multiple ports to fully communicate with other clients, as such a large range is recommended. If an invalid range is given, a InvalidStateError will be thrown.

callback(request: SIPMessage) -> None

This method is called by the SIPClient when an INVITE or BYE request is received. This function then creates a VoIPCall or terminates it respectively. When a VoIPCall is created, it will then pass it to the callCallback function as an argument. If callCallback is set to None, this function replies as BUSY. This function should not be called by the user.

getStatus() -> PhoneStatus

Deprecated. Please use get_status instead.

get_status() -> PhoneStatus

This method returns the PhoneStatus.

request_port(blocking=True) -> int

This method is called when a new port is needed to use in a VoIPCall. If blocking is set to True, this will wait until a port is available. Otherwise, it will raise NoPortsAvailableError.

release_ports(call: Optional[VoIPCall] = None) -> None

This method is called when a call ends. If call is provided, it will only release the ports used by that VoIPCall. Otherwise, it will iterate through all active calls, and release all ports that are no longer in use.

start() -> None

This method starts the SIPClient class. On failure, this will automatically call stop().

stop() -> None

This method ends all currently ongoing calls, then stops the SIPClient class

call(number: str) -> VoIPCall

Originates a call using PCMU and telephone-event. The number argument must be a string, and it returns a VoIPCall class in CallState.DIALING. You should use a while loop to wait until the CallState is ANSWRED.